Clicking the button above will take you to Amazon’s home page, and when you shop at Amazon via the button you will support both the PTSA and 7/8 PTA.

Please bookmark this PTSA website page on your computer and phone, and whenever you want to go to Amazon use your bookmark and click on our button.

On your first visit you will be asked to select a charity. In the box in the lower right corner, type “La Canada High School” and press Enter, then choose La Canada High School 7-12 PTAs:

Do not download or use any Amazon shortcut buttons (because you need to use the PTSA’s button above, not an Amazon button).

When you shop at Amazon via the above button you will be participating in two programs:

AmazonSmile allows shoppers to select a charity to be the recipient of a donation from Amazon in the amount of 0.5% of what the shopper spends. The donation is paid only if the shopper shops at, which has the same products and prices as

Amazon Associates is an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Advertising fees are paid only if the item is placed in the shopping cart during a session linked from the website, and the item is ordered within 90 days of being placed in the shopping cart. The price you pay is unaffected by the advertising fee.

Privacy: Amazon does not disclose the names of shoppers to the LCHS 7-12 PTAs.

Questions? Sabina Clorfeine at